Monday, April 13, 2009


Okay these facts are funny and not real facts . These facts are taken from a website i found in the internet . It was written by someone called harvey . I hope you like them :)

  1. The easiest way to tell if someone loves you is to tell them they have a nice ass. If they file a sexual harrassment suit, it's love.

  2. The best way to show someone you love them is by buying them expensive gifts. The poor are simply unworthy of love.

  3. Love means never having to say you're sorry, mostly because when you screw up, you will need to make a MUCH longer speech than that.
    For best results, include bended-knee grovelling and a lot of diamonds.
    I *told* you love wasn't for the poor.

  4. You never know when love will strike, which makes it similar to terrorists. If you see love, shoot it, just to be safe.

  5. Love is a many-splendored thing, much like the diamond necklace you'll be buying when you screw up.

well he is a little harass but he is still funny :)

if you have any comments like if you dont like what he said dont be afriad to write it down

yalla untill next time



Anonymous said...

Who is this Harvey guy? I want to find him and marry him :P
LOL it's seriously hilarious.

I *told* you love wasn't for the poor.


Did I ever tell you how much I love your posts? mara at7amas ma3ahum :P

Cuteandcuddly said...

thanks slouchypants walla the same here :)your rayan is ruining my life and your waleed is spicing it up :P

moi said...

hahhaha that was hilarious;p but not very true;p

F. said...

Harsh! :P but funny.

doona said...


aham shay #4! i still cant stop laughing ;Pp

Lilo said...

LOL! loved it, I love your posts <3

Cuteandcuddly said...

thanks you guys hope to bring laughter to you with every post only when i am miserable since misery likes company ;P

Cupid ;* said...

laish i can't follow?:s

Cuteandcuddly said...

what dont you follow my dear ?
walla i hate when i confuse people my sister always tells me you eat half the worlds when you say ssomething :(

Charmbracelet said...

Cuuute!=p the first one is my favorite !=p

Cuteandcuddly said...

charmbracelet: lol i know its my favorite too

Cupid ;* said...

laaa 7abeeebti I meant follow ur blog:p become a follower yeah
and y aren't u a follower yeah:p
walla kila minch el la7an im3alig ib mikhi:p

Cuteandcuddly said...

walla sorry but i dont know why you cant :(
it will be an honor if you follow me :)
and sorry about the song

Cupid ;* said...

ok ok noo i'm not a blonde wala shay!:$

bas wala kaan akhir shay o I didn't realize that until reaching the end by coincidence ba3ad because I pressed my space bar:p

haha i love you;* wala the honor is mine

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