Saturday, May 23, 2009

Bored and this is the result ( number two)

Hey people i was doing my hair again and i wrote this :)

hope you like it !!!!!!!!!!

it is part two of the polo story but tara i am not very in to detail so sorry about that :)


Moodi woke up at the sound of her alarm. She checked her hand watch and the time was 7:30 am. She got off her bed and went to the bathroom washed her face and brushed her teeth. She went to the closet took out her juicy tracksuit and put on her trainer. She head out of the door to the park. She promised herself to walk for one hour four times a week so she could eat without worrying about gaining weight. After the walk she headed to Starbucks to get a iced latte and she saw the blueberry muffin and couldn't resist. She surveyed the place and spotted people getting up from the sofa near the window and sped to take their place. She sat down and opened the internet on her phone and read some blogs.

Dana left the house with her laptop and her chemistry book which her cousin sent her by DHL. She wanted a place to get away from her brothers so she can concentrate on studying and what better place then Sarbucks she could have her coffee dose and some breakfast while studying. Dana entered Starbucks and it was full. She noticed a girl sitting by herself on the sofa which fits four. Dana thought what would I lose if I asked her can I sit with her she seems nice.

D: may I sit with you because ever table is full?

M: of course no problem (while removing her bag from the seat in front of her)

D: thank you (while she was setting her things down and then she headed to order her drink and sandwich)

Dana was drinking her drink and reading her chemistry book when her phone rang. It was her friend Salma.

D: allo hey salma shlonich

S:good intay shlonich

D:walla zaina bas mo fahma 7al chemistry

S: no one hit u in the hand and told u to take it

D: but it will increase my GPA plus I need to know it if I want to be doctor

S: okay so where are u I want to see you

D:I am at starbuck bas fashla ga3da ma3a wahda fa I don't think it work how about after.

M: sorry bas it's okay let her come I don't mind

S: okay I am going out with my mother now so see you later bye

D: okay bye (while putting the phone down and turning to M)Thank you bas she is not coming now she remembered she had something bas I didn't think u were kuwaiti.

M: its okay I get that a lot pardon my eave dropping but I can't help hearing you are having trouble with chemistry

D: yeah don't get me started but I have to take it if I want to be a doctor

M: mashalla I wanted to be a doctor but I decided to late so I am now an accountant. I just graduated. So how about I help you with chemistry since I just took it in the university.

D: really walla I can't thank you enough if u do oh where are my manners. My name is Dana al flani.

M: Moodi al flani.

D: how does farah al flani relate to you?

M: my sister why do u know her

D:yes she is married to my cousin Salem

M: oh remember where I saw you now at her wedding you were wearing a red dress which I can't stop talking about it mashalla you looked gorgeous everyone was talking about you

D: really (blushing and tilting her face to the side while playing with her hair) oh I remember you. you were wearing red too right.

M: yes I love red and I wanted a red polo like the one you are wearing but there was only one left and someone took it "pouting" so what do u need help with since we are family now

D: this chapter here

They stayed for two hour studying forgetting about the time. Moodi got a phone call from her mother asking her where she was and is she coming with them to lunch. She turned to Dana and told here this is my number I will be here tomorrow at the same time don't be shy to bring your stuff so we can study more. She got up and left.

until next time



Passionate ;** said...

FIRST!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY !! Part 2 ;D I like ... thanx ;**

Dazzlin said...

ALLA loving the story... YA SHES WEARING THE RED POLO MOODI WANTED which her ho2 brother got her:P:P... ur on a roll daaahling o u shouldnt stop o i think u should go do ur hair more often if this is the outcome.. some1s got talent which should be UNLEASHED MORE OFTEN IN STORIES!! :*** Love ya daaaahling ::hug:: cant wait 4 the next update on the Polo story..

Anonymous said...

aaaaaaaaaah 3ajeeeb:))
yalla please write next post


tots said...

I totally agree with Dazzlin!! go get your hair done oo write more <3 loved it !;*

Lifeless_Smile said...

cool.. i didnt read the first psrt.. lool i hate reading.. i hardly read this one but really cooooooooool ^_^
when r u gonna do ur hair again?? LOL
1 time a day would be enough ^_^
cant wait for the next post.. keep it up sweety

moi said...

sawwai sha3rech o write part two;p, excellent;**

Cuteandcuddly said...

what a stranger does to me:
your first yeah "clapping and cheering"
thanks honey walla glad you liked it :)

"hugging dazzlin back" i already got a hair appointment on tuesday ;p but dont worry went with my mother today to the saloon so i have some material i want you to approve tomorrow :p walla i dont know whats the secert with doing my hair :/

Anonymous: Inshalla honey i already have one in the make :) i am so happy you like it !!!!!" jumping with excitement "

Love Struck Blat: lol inshalla :)

Lifeless_smile: i am so gald you liked it and thanks for reading it :) and i am planning to make a program with my saloon :P

Moi:inshalla what do you recommed straight or waving ?
what do you think :)
next part inshalla tonight since i went to the saloon today with my mom.
i will have no hair when this story ends :p

Dazzlin said...

Loool ill get u a membership in a saloon if it helps:P:P..YAAAAY cant wait 4 2mrw daaahling...

Hala said...

wallah ur so cute.. how old r u again?

Cuteandcuddly said...

lol 20 :)
but everyone thinks i am still in high school since i look like a 15 year old

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