Saturday, May 2, 2009


I am watching


"jumping up and down and screaming "
I cant wait to watch it :)
just got the copy :)

I just rewinded the movie for my sister :(
and then i rewinded it again for my coz who just walked in :(it seems i will not finish it :(

until next time


*S.W ~ said...

*Drops Dead*

You have ittt !! <3
OhMyGod .. I have been waiting for this movie since, like

It should be an amazing movie, it has almost all of my fav. actors/actresses
I SO wanna watch it !!
When you finish watching it tell me if it's good or not. I bet it's gonna be AWESOME ! :'(

Cupid ;* said...

LOOOOOL tell me about it, i've been dying to watch it but I don't have it:(

Cupid ;* said...

haha who's to die of jealousy now?:p and your rewinding it again for me when I come over;)

doona said...

is it nice?
i heard alot about it ;Pp

A*MODE said...

i watched it at the movies..
sorry but totally not worth it -__-

Cuteandcuddly said...

SW:It was good but not what i expected :)
Cupid: lol walla i am jealous of anybody who has a silence room to watch a movie. I watched the movie with the noise of my sisters and their friends chatting :(
Dandooon:it was good :) but i thought it would be better :(
AMODE: Well it wasnt as good as i thought but it still is a must because it is very interesting :)

Anonymous said...

check out this blog plz

3anooda said...

i was not impressed by the movie at all - i expected it to be sooo much more that what it was

Cuteandcuddly said...

3anooda: that is so true but still it was an interesting movie :)
i love the part where they say he is not that into you :)
it so true some people just dont get it !!!!!!!!!

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