Hi :)
Okay this is a story based on sleeping beauty :)
My sister and I were watching the cartoon on Disney and I was like that is so me :P
My friend read it and couldn't stop laughing :)
They agreed with me that Aurora is so me.
So here is Aurora Kuwaiti style :
H- Princess Aurora
P-Prince Phillip
Sisters- Fairies
M- Maleficent
SH- the servants of maleficent
SA-the dragon
It all started in a mamsha.
H was walking with her ipod on and swaying to the music.( i meet you once upon a
dream)When a guys suddenly comes and twirls her around.
She pushes him and stares at him shocked.
P smiles and says "Don't you remember me "
She stares blankly back and shakes her head.
P: " you just said you meet me once upon a dream :P"
H gets her act together. She slaps his hand which was holding hers.
She runs to her car and leaves.
P writes down her number plate and smirks. " I got you"
H enters the house and runs to her sisters.
H tells them what happens then sits on the sofa and sighs.
P goes straight to his father to inform him that he met his future wife.
P's father but i already found one for you. I told you mother to talk to them. Don't you
remember i told you and you said yes. P totally forgot so he honored his promise and
said okay.
He was due to go to his fiance's house at 8.
Mean while H is opening her birthday presents, learns that a guy has asked for her
hand and is
visiting them today at her birthday party.
Her younger sister M is so attached to her that she plans to spoil the meeting by
letting S her coz
and partner in crime to send P the wrong address.
M lures H to a place by using the Robert Pattison card :P ( green light if you
remember the
M gives H her favorite drink Sassy B from D-lush (the sewing wheel). As H finishes
the last sip
she goes in to a deep sleep.
P is caught by SH and her gang to S's old house(evil castle).
M meets P and informs him that he lacks the characteristics that make him
compatible to H.
Sisters hear that P was sent the wrong address and went to S's old house.
They go and help release P from the evil clutches of the SH gang. They give him the
key to his Ferrari ( the horse).
P steps on it but is slowed down by traffic in gulf road ( the branches of cactus).
SA, brother of H, stops him at the door SH's house where H is dreaming :p.
P overcomes him with the Pokemon game the sisters gave him ( sword).
SA loves Pokemon.
P reaches H who is sleeping and wakes her up and gives her a diamond ring
( the kiss ) ;).
They live happily ever after .
until next time
how's your mood now??;**
Cupid: good but i am now doing my research paper :(
I hate it !!!!!!!!!!!!
when will summer come " falling on my knees and hitting the ground with my hands"
LOOOOOOOOOL so funny .. a7la shay the Ferrari ( the horse) and the traffic in gulf road ( the branches of cactus).
Love it !
SW: i am glad you like it :)
walla it would be so cool if that really could happen "sigh"
Well we will see in 2 years mwahahahahahaha
see you in 2 years
Anonymous: what do you mean? :/
Where are you? I miss you:(
I miss you, i miss you, i miss you:(
alllaaaa SUCH A CUTE STORY looool a7la shay the changes to the story.. the dance on the mamsha, the ferrari, the diamond ring <33333
Love it daaaahling :****
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